The International Fancy Guppy Association
Dedicated to Promoting The Fancy Guppy Hobby
“All content and images on this site are for the exclusive use of the IFGA and IFGA Members and
are protected under the copyright law. It is not for use without express written permission.”

Our Mission
Get Involved
Founded in 1965, the International Fancy Guppy Association's (commonly known as the IFGA) mission is to promote the enjoyment and the techniques of breeding fancy guppies to the IFGA's show standards.
This is accomplished by providing information on the breeding and raising of quality guppies to the IFGA show standards through our clubs, shows and the IFGA website while bringing together other hobbyist of like minds.
Education for new and experienced hobbyists of all ages as well as the promotion of good breeding techniques through the use of shows are our top priorities.
We promote the hobby by providing assistance, managerial and technical support to individuals or groups in developing new clubs supporting the IFGA standards.
We conduct an annual meeting to bring together affiliated clubs and members to manage and plan the future of the IFGA organization.
We also host judging seminars and training to members to qualify as a IFGA judge and maintain the qualified judges ability to use the IFGA show standards.
We strive to offer a host of activities for our members. Membership with the IFGA comes with many benefits to hobbyists of all ages and experience. Members can join local affiliated clubs in their geography or start new clubs.
Affiliated clubs sponsor competitive shows throughout the United States with over 70 different color classes and often have an accompanying auction. We encourage all potential members and members to seek out their local clubs and come to our shows where you can meet some fellow guppy enthusiasts and make some lifelong friends!
Participating in shows is easy and brings a lot of reward! Members have the ability to mail their fish to the shows if the show is too far away or they are unable to make it.
Members earn yearly points and individual awards at IFGA shows that count towards year end class and breeder championships. We have a Master Breeder award our members can earn as well as various other titles within our organization. Please check out our shows section for all the details.
Interested in becoming a member? See details about all of our membership benefits and how you can become a member today!
All guppy enthusiasts are welcome at our shows and we love to see potential members there. Please feel free to come to a show and enter your fish. Non-members may enter fish at our shows, but you must be a member to receive points and annual awards. Join Us as a New Member.
We encourage those that are interested in membership to also join us on our social media pages!
If you're already a member, please sign in below to gain full access to our website's Members Section!
News and Publications
Upcoming Events
• From the desk of Tom Allen…
Hats off to the Michigan club for their super job hosting this year’s Annual show and IFGA meeting. Five hundred sixty-six (566) entries filled their racks with, after judging took place, the BOS ranks peppered with Greens, AOC Albinos and Reds. A special “pat on the back” goes out to Karen Bullen for sitting in as IFGA secretary due to Bob Crouse’s inability to attend the meeting because of a work commitment.
The Judging Board welcomes John Allen to its ranks. John is a long-time IFGA judge who has the judging skills and the mentoring ability to make a positive influence moving into the future on our judging effort at shows.
We had one of the best attended Annual Judging Seminars in recent memory with 37 individuals signing in. Two members (Karen Bullen and Jeff Mohr) passed the written test and three others (Riley Brown, Harley Goble, Jr. and Jeff Mohr) passed the visual test. To those of you who didn’t quite make it…don’t give up…we will have tests at the Gateway Annual in 2025, the New England Annual in 2026 and the Utah Annual in 2027. Any club can host a local Seminar including the written test by making arrangements to have a Senior Judge on hand to present the Seminar.
On a more personal note, I want to send along a BIG thank you to my Judging Board colleagues for naming me as the very first recipient of the Jim Alderson IFGA Judging Board Award. This award is new in 2024 and in the future will be the Judging Board’s way of singling out people who we feel go “above and beyond” to help with judging at our shows. And, no, I didn’t know I was the individual selected until the announcement was made. All along, I was led to believe that someone else was chosen for the award. Having Jim’s name on the award carries special meaning for me since Jim and I were close friends ever since he entered the hobby. I often told him that I considered him to be the younger brother that I never had. Thank you, Judging Board!
Please support the clubs who are hosting shows in 2025. The costs associated with shows are getting more and more expensive and every extra entry you send helps out. Chip in and help make our shows successful!!!
• Show dates for 2025 Show year are posted, show rules will be posted check back.
• Hi IFGA,
I'm pleased to relay to all of you that I've secured trademark protection with the US Patent and Trademark Office for the IFGA logo. We now have trademark protection for our logo as well as our organization's name (The International Fancy Guppy Association) and also have copyright protection on our Judging Standards Manual. In past years, there have been a few instances when outsiders have tried to take credit for our name, etc. and displayed it as their own. With this level of domestic protection, anyone who copies our protected items will now be liable for litigation.
Support the IFGA by attending our shows and exhibiting your entries. We need everyone to chip in and help build up our entry counts!
Tom Allen

2025 Show Dates
*For consistency for every show, please click on the show classes buttons below to view show classes
IFGA Annual in Detroit (2025 ANNUAL Show & Meeting)
October 25, 26 & 27, 2024
Guppy Associates International Chicago
April 26 & 27, 2025
Michigan Guppy Breeders
May 17 & 18, 2025
New England Fancy Guppy Association
June 7 & 8, 2025
Utah Guppy Associates
June 28 & 29, 2025
Deep South Fancy Guppy Associates
July 26 & 27, 2025
Gateway Guppy Associates
2026 ANNUAL Show & Meeting
October 17, 18 & 19, 2025