The International Fancy Guppy Association
Dedicated to Promoting The Fancy Guppy Hobby
“All content and images on this site are for the exclusive use of the IFGA and IFGA Members and
are protected under the copyright law. It is not for use without express written permission.”

South Jersey Guppy Group
South Jersey Guppy Group
is proud to host the
Frank Zillitto Memorial IFGA Sanctioned Guppy Show
July 14-15, 2018
Griggstown Volunteer Fire House
1037 Canal Road
Griggstown, NJ 08540
Friday, July 13th
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
SJGG will be at the firehouse setting up. If you are visiting from out of
town and want to help, you are welcome to join us!
Saturday, July 14th
9:00 am - 1:30 pm Enter your fish 2:30 pm
Judging begins. If you would like to be an observer, the sign-up
sheet will be at the admin table. Remember, you must watch sign at
least 5 classes for it to count toward judging requirements!
SJGG will provide food & refreshments after judging is completed.
Sunday, July 15th
9:00 am - 10:00 am Auction fish on display
10:30 am Auction begins
12:00 pm Debenching begins with oversight of an SJGG member.
Please make prior arrangements with show chair if you must leave earlier.
Michael Soda 908-637-4895
Cheri Tenaglia 215-586-1397
Bob Larson 570-409-4610
Dave Polunas 732-329-9597
Send All Shipped Entries To:
Russ Beasty
158 Bryans Road
Hampton, N.J. 08827
Must be received by 4:30 pm on Friday, July 13th, 2018
Courtesy notification email to prior to shipping is appreciated. This is Russ’s phone # 908-246-5441 if needed.
Use the carrier’s “no signature required” option if available.
Collect shipments will not be accepted.
Sufficient return fare must be included if fish are to be returned or fish will be auctioned.
All entry fees must be paid at time of registration.
Shipped entries which are to be returned must include return postage fees and mailing label along with bags for returning fish.
Breather bags may be used for shipping to and from show.
If breather bags are used new unused breather bags MUST be supplied for return of entry, otherwise fish will be returned in standard bags as per IFGA rules.
Minimum bag size: 3” x 10”
Check with your local post office for exact delivery time.
208 New Road
Monmouth Junction, N.J.
Call hotel only at 732-821-8800
Room rates are $70.00 per night plus tax. Includes continental breakfast
The hotel has requested that we wait until after April 1st to start making reservations
Please make room reservation on or before June 24th, 2018
Mention SOUTH JERSEY GUPPY GROUP to receive this rate.
1. Fish will be judged visually in accordance with IFGA rules, uniform black
background with fluorescent and incandescent lights. Window drapes in room will be closed.
2. Exhibitors to determine the class in which their entries will compete. Assistance will be available upon request to determine classification.
3. All entries improperly classified will be disqualified.
4. Tanks will be furnished. No gravel, plants or decorative items will be allowed.
5. Every precaution will be taken against loss or hazard of any kind. SJGG cannot assume responsibility for any loss.
6. All entries must be born and raised in the exhibitor’s tanks.
7. All DOA or DOB fish will not be returned due to contamination issues.
8. Entry forms to be submitted in duplicate. Indicate on form whether award cards or plaques are desired. Mark on form any fish to be auctioned.
9. No one other than those individuals appointed by show chair persons may move or rearrange tanks already positioned on show bench prior to judging.
Any tanks being benched should be placed in next available position within the class.
10. Sale of fish, other than through the SJGG Sunday auction, is strictly prohibited.
11. Entry forms may be printed from the IFGA website: under Show Section.
1st place winners will receive an award
2nd, 3rd, 4th place winners receive award cards if requested on entry form
All 1st,2nd,3rd,4th, place Best of Shows receive awards
Single entry
consist of one male or female in a 0.5-gallon tank. A female may be added to a male entry but will not be judged.
$ 2.00
Tank entry
consist of two matched males in a 1-gallon tank.
$ 3.00
Breeder entries
consist of 5 matched males or 3 matched females in 1.5-gallon tank.
$ 4.00
Junior class
is open to anyone 16 years of age or younger at start of show season.
No fee
Novice class
open to anyone who has never won an Annual Award or placed in the top two for the Novice Annual Award.
Check fee for appropriate class (single, tank, breeder)
Auction fish will be on display from 9:00 am to 10:00 am.
Auctions begins at 10:30 am
The auction will be a standard verbal auction.
The SJGG will retain 50% of the sale of all auctioned fish or other items.
All fish to be auctioned must include a male and a female of the same strain.
Any single male or female will only be auctioned with all proceeds being retained by the SJGG as stated in the IFGA bylaws as of 2016.
Entries to be auctioned must be clearly noted on the entry show form.
Additional pairs and trios may be placed in the auction and should be clearly marked with breeder’s name and strain of fish.
Opening bids will start at $ 5.00
Any fish not receiving an opening bid will be retained by the SJGG.
Bidding cards can be purchased for $ 2.00 so as to place a bid.
Credit cards will be accepted.
Bidders may run a tab if they leave their driver’s license with the auction admin table.