The International Fancy Guppy Association
Dedicated to Promoting The Fancy Guppy Hobby
“All content and images on this site are for the exclusive use of the IFGA and IFGA Members and
are protected under the copyright law. It is not for use without express written permission.”

New England Fancy Guppy Association
Show Chairpersons
E. T. Mellor
(413) 549-0478
Greg Billings
(978) 870-2593
Ship All Entries To:
The Nano Tank
56 Conduit St.
New Bedford, MA 02745
774 473-3338
This is our member Scott Peets’ store.
New England Fancy Guppy Association
is proud to host the 2019 IFGA Annual Guppy Show,
IFGA Meeting and Awards Banquet
October 4, 5 & 6, 2019
The Ramada Inn
213 Taunton Ave.
Seekonk, MA 02771
(508) 336-8700 front desk
(508) 336-3414 fax
The Ramada Inn is the same site where New England held our last Annual Show back in 2015. Prior to that it was called the Johnson & Wales Inn. The facility is unchanged and is as nice as it was then. The closest Airport is the T.F. Green International Airport in Providence, RI. However, they no longer run a shuttle to the airport. They are recommending taking an Uber, or a Lyft. They also recommend two taxi companies. There are always taxis waiting at the airport. If you want to inquire about rates or arrange a taxi back to the airport the two Taxi companies are Access Taxi at 401 861-6666 or United Cab at 401 261-5355.
Please make your room reservations directly through the hotel by September 3, 2019. Be sure to mention the New England Fancy Guppy Association to get the reduced rate of $89.00 for a single or $94.00 for a double.
Show Schedule
Thursday, October 3, 2019
5:00 PM Set-up
Friday, October 4, 2019
8:30 AM to 12:00 PM Seminar/Speakers Forum
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Registration
1:00 PM Judging Seminar
4:00PM Written Judging Test
5:00 PM Hospitality & Fish Store Tour
at "The Nano Tank"
Saturday, October 5, 2019
8:30 AM to 3:00 PM Registration
9:00 AM IFGA Meeting
1:00PM Visual Judging Test
3:30 PM Judging
6:00 PM Cash Bar
7:00 PM Catered Awards Banquet
Sunday, October 6, 2019
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM Public Viewing
10:00 AM Fish Auction
12:00 PM De-benching **
** No one may remove fish without the consent of Greg or E.T..
Show Co-Chairmen
E.T. Mellor 413 549-0478
Greg Billings 978 870-2593
Ship All Entries To:
The Nano Tank
56 Conduit St.
New Bedford, MA 02745
774 473-3338
This is our member Scott Peets’ store.
Prior notification of your shipment would be appreciated. All entries must be received before 5:00 PM on Friday, October 4, 2019. No exceptions! Do not ship your fish to the hotel. Each box must contain completed entry forms with exhibitor’s phone number. All entry fees must be prepaid.
If shipping by mail, use the “no signature required “ option.
Show Rules:
Exhibitor will determine the class of entry. Assistance will be available at the show prior to registration.
All entries improperly classified will be disqualified from competition.
No plants, decorations or gravel will be allowed with the fish. Females may be added to male entries but will not be judged.
NEFGA and the IFGA assume no responsibility for any loss of fish.
All entries must be born and raised in the exhibitor’s tanks.
Fish will be judged against a uniform black background with overhead incandescent, LED & natural lighting.
Judging will be according to IFGA standards and all decisions of the judges will be final.
All entry fees must be paid at time of registration. Shipped-in entries which are to be returned must include return postage fees, extra shipping bags and a mailing label. If using USPS as your carrier and to avoid return shipping problems with the postal service, kindly pack fish in an unmarked carton.
All tanks for display fish will be supplied by NEFGA.
Sale of fish at the show, other than through the official auction, is strictly prohibited and will result in forfeiture of points received at the show.
All DOA or DOB fish will not be returned. Returning dead fish can contaminate the live fish in the shipping container.
Bags for returning shipped-ins must be included in the shipment. Enough bags should be included to double bag every individual fish. The size of return bags must be at least 3” x 10” as required by IFGA rules. HOWEVER, WE PREFER 4” x 14” !!! Breather bags are acceptable provided new, unused replacement bags are included for return shipping. If the exhibitor does not provide return bags, the fish will be sent back in standard 4" x 14" inch poly bags based on the size of the return shipping container.
The auction will be a standard verbal auction where bidders will be required to purchase a bidder number. Only exhibitors in the show may enter their guppies in the auction. Entries to be auctioned must be clearly noted on the entry form. Females of the same strain must be included with all show males and males of the same strain must be included with all show females to receive the 50/50 financial split. Fifty percent of the bid price will be given only for pairs, trios or reverse trios. Any guppies submitted for the auction without an opposite sex partner from the same strain will be considered a donation to the NEFGA and auctioned last. If an exhibitor wishes to auction additional trios, they must get advanced permission from the show chair and the bags must be clearly marked with the breeder’s name and the color strain being auctioned. Non–exhibited fish placed in the auction must be bred and raised by the exhibitor and must be from IFGA quality stains. Fish not receiving an opening bid will be retained by the NEFGA. If you are planning on attending the auction in person either as a buyer or seller please access our web site “ for an expanded listing of rules and procedures.
Single Males & Females, Tanks, Breeders
1st place – Award Plaque/plate and award cards
Subsequent 1st place entries will receive only a class plate.
2nd – 4th place award cards
Best of Show
1st through 4th place will receive awards plaques
Entry Fees
Single Male or Female $2.00
Two Matched Males $3.00
Breeder Male or Breeder Female $4.00
Junior Entries Free
All single male and single female entries will be displayed in plastic tanks. A female may be added to the male entry but will not be judged.
Tanks (two matched male) entries will be displayed in a 1 gallon plastic tank. One female may be added but will not be judged.
Breeder entries consist of 5 matched males or 3 matched females and will be displayed in a 2 ½ gallon plastic tank. Two females may be added to a Breeder Male entry but they will not be judged.
The Junior class is open to anyone 16 years of age or younger who has raised his/her own fish.
The Novice class is open to anyone who has never won a 1st or 2nd place IFGA Annual Award except Junior.
Annual Awards Banquet
The Annual Awards Banquet will consist of a catered buffet and cost $45.00 per ticket. A head-count of individuals planning on attending the banquet is needed by September 15, 2019. Contact Scott Peets at to reserve a seat for the banquet. Banquet tickets must be paid for by noon on October, 5, 2019.
There are four probationary classes for the 2019 show season: H/B White Delta, H/B White Tank and All Color Widetail, All Color Widetail Tank.
NOTE: These 4 new classes are probationary classes and will remain so for all of 2019. The classes will be sponsored by the IFGA and year-end Annual Awards will be given out.
Points WILL NOT count toward Grand Overall Male, however. Half-black White and Widetails (Caudal angle = 80 degrees plus) may continue to be shown in the H/B Pastel and regular color classes without disqualification and all points will count toward the class awards as well as Grand Overall Male.